
There are up to 20 members of the College Corporation (Board of Governors) including the Principal/CEO. 15 independent Governors are volunteers and come from a variety of backgrounds including law, construction, local government, accountancy and education. There are also two staff governors as well as two student governors.

The Board meets regularly throughout the year and is responsible for overseeing the mission and activities of the College and ensures effective strategic management and use of resources.

The work of the Board is supported by five Committees:

  • Audit & Risk
  • Finance & Resources
  • Quality, Curriculum & Performance
  • Search & Governance
  • Senior Post Holder Employment & Remuneration

Board agenda, papers and minutes are available for public inspection (excluding items of a confidential or commercially sensitive nature).

View our Policy on Publication of Minutes

Policy on Publication of Minutes

Governors are committed to ensuring that students attending Leeds College of Building have a truly positive experience and are successful in their chosen course of study.

Corporation Meetings

Audit & Risk Committee Meetings

Finance & Resources Committee Meetings

Quality, Curriculum & Performance Committee Meetings

Clerk to the Corporation

If you would like to find out more about College Governance or have a general enquiry, please contact the Director of Governance, Jane Taylor-Holmes:

Post: Leeds College of Building, North Street, Leeds, LS2 7QT

Email: JTaylorHolmes@lcb.ac.uk.

Telephone: 0113 222 6000 ext 6565

You can also contact the Chair of the Corporation at the above address.