The College holds as one of its highest priorities the health, safety and welfare of all children and vulnerable adults involved in courses or activities which come under its responsibility and we ensure the maximum is done to provide a safe environment for them in the College.
The governing body is committed to ensuring that the College:
We are committed to ensuring Leeds College of Building is a safe place to study and we have policies and procedures in place to make that happen.
To maintain a safe working environment for the whole College community, all staff at the College will have received Safeguarding and Child Protection training.
Any person can contact the College's Designated Safeguarding Officers if they are worried or concerned about something that is happening to them or someone they know.
They will be able to provide them with the relevant support to address any issues of concern. If you attend Leeds College of Building as a student or staff member, you must take reasonable care of your safety and health and that of others, and listen to advice given by staff at the College, including security personnel.
If you are a student at the College or have applied to become a student, and you are worried about something that is happening to you or someone else, whatever the problem, we are here to listen to you. You can talk to the College’s Child Protection Officers about your worries and concerns.
Download: Safer Recruitment Policy 2023-24
The College's Designated Safeguarding Officers are trained to talk to you about a safeguarding concern or enquiry.
If you need to speak to a Safeguarding Officer about any worries or concerns that you have please contact the safeguarding team on:
Tel: 0113 222 6000 or email
As well as College there are other people and organisations who can help. Don’t feel alone. Talk to someone.
The Market Place - for 11-25 year olds in Leeds, Tel: 0113 246 1659
Andy’s Man Club - for men aged 18+, meet every Monday at 7pm at Leeds College of Building
Connect Helpline for everyone in Leeds, every night of the year, 6pm – 2am, free number: 0800 800 1212
Childline for children and young people under 19, free number, the number won’t show up on your phone bill: 0800 1111
Samaritans for everyone, free number, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 116 123
Mindmate for under 18 year olds
Mindwell for 18 - 25 year olds
Papyrus for people under 35, free number, Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm / Weekends 2pm to 10pm: 0800 068 41 41 / 07786 209697