Transport Planning Apprenticeship listing

Transport Planning Technician

Find out more about becoming a Transport Planning Technician

You’ll look at the impact of large and small scale transport issues on the public. This could be a village bypass proposal or road safety measures outside a school. You’ll plan and advise on transport policies for new systems and on improvements to existing ones. 
Your day-to-day duties could include simulating transport problems using computer models to work out solutions, forecasting the impact of new developments like shopping centres, looking at schemes to manage traffic, like congestion charging or parking controls and studying accident 'blackspots' to design road safety improvements. You’ll also encourage people to use their cars less and walk, cycle or use public transport. 

We hope you enjoyed listening to Sarah and Joanna talk about a career as a Transport Planning Technician.  

You can find out more about the courses we offer by clicking on the links below, to submit an enquiry please click on the green button. 

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