I have a disability, what support can I get at the College?

If you feel you will need additional support whilst at Leeds College of Building please let us know as soon as you apply so that the College can make the reasonable adjustments required to help you. 

The College works hard to ensure everyone has the support they need to learn, achieve and enjoy college life.

We offer the following disability access at both our North Street and South Bank campuses for visitors, staff and students:

  • Disabled parking for blue badge holders
  • Lifts to access all floors
  • Disabled toilets
  • Full wheelchair access
  • Hearing loops available in communal areas

All students who apply to study at Leeds College of Building and declare a SEND need will have a conversation with a member of college staff. Support will be allocated on an individual basis and will vary depending on your assessed needs and any previous support you may have had. During this conversation, if required, the staff member will work with you to develop a personalised support plan that will be shared with others on a need to know basis. 

Most of our students with SEND are able to access our mainstream courses, and have needs that can be met through the college’s universal support. A small number of students will benefit from additional targeted support. 

Below is an idea of the types of provision we are able to provide at each level: 

Universal – ‘Quality First’ Teaching 

This is the level of support we offer to all students at the college, and will meet the majority of students’ needs. It comes in many forms, and can be adapted as necessary to meet a specific need. 

  • In-class differentiation and reasonable adjustments, such as smaller tasks, additional time to complete work
  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)
  • Risk assessments
  • Hearing loops
  • Exam Access Arrangements
  • Adapted resources
  • Overlays/coloured paper, roaming profiles
  • Enrichment programme to support unstructured time
  • Supported self-referrals to external support providers, such as MindMate. 
  • Referrals to and co-working with the college’s Safeguarding and Child Protection team, and Student Services

Targeted Support 

Students may be allocated targeted support in addition to that listed above – this can be throughout your course, or as a short-term intervention to deal with a specific concern or issue.  

  • Learning Mentor pastoral contact, and structured interventions for specific concerns or SEND need, weekly, or as required, 1:1 ratio
  • Personal support 1-1 with tutor
  • Assistive technology 
  • Exam access arrangements
  • Personalised in-class support up to 1:1 ratio
  • Overlays/ coloured paper, roaming profiles
  • Pre and post teaching
  • Behaviour action plans with key named contacts

From September 2014, every Local Authority is required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’, and Leeds City Council’s Local Offer can be found here.

Get in touch

For further details or to speak to a member of the team, please contact Sinitta Craze, Senior ILS Administrator:

E: Scraze@lcb.ac.uk

T: 0113 222 6048