Students with a Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or High Needs can access all mainstream courses at all levels provided the course entry requirements are met, and the College is able to meet their needs. Our High Needs Coordinators are dedicated to working with schools, local authorities, parents and students to find the most suitable option for you.
The College also offers a supported provision (The Bridge Builder Programme) for students with an EHCP or High Needs who may need additional support before they access a mainstream programme.
The High Needs Team is committed to helping students with SEND to remove the barriers within learning.
We work closely with students with an EHC plan, their families and staff across the college to carry out statutory annual reviews and monitor the outcomes and progress of our students. This includes a focus on Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) outcomes for our students:
In addition to the Universal and Targeted Support that are available to all students with SEND, we work closely with other departments in the college and external agencies to provide specialist support:
High Needs students will have access to guaranteed regular Careers Information, Advice & Guidance throughout their programme from the college’s Careers Advisor and Work Placement Officers.
The High Needs Co-ordinators work with pre-16 education settings across Yorkshire to organise transition to the College for students interested in studying with us.
Examples of transition work that we can do with students and other provision:
Transition continues throughout your time at the college. We can support you to identify your route towards your planned career or destination and what support you will need to get there. While we hope the college is the right fit for you, we can help to organise transition to other colleges or settings.
For further information, please contact the High Needs Coordinators:
Claire Roo & Owain Talbot,