The 16-18 Bursary Fund is a scheme to help young people requiring financial support to stay in full-time education. Even if you're currently enrolled onto a course, you can still apply for the Bursary Fund.
The scheme is made up of two parts:
- Students who need financial support to help them stay in education or training and have a household income of less than £35,000 per year will be able to apply for bursary support. If your application is successful, you may receive a bus pass for the academic year, breakfast and lunch vouchers, financial support towards PPE or suitable clothing to wear in the workshops.
- Those most in need may be eligible for a higher-level bursary of up to £1,200 a year, this includes young people who are looked after, care leavers or independent living and receive universal credit in their own right. The amount of up to £1,200 is made up of an annual bus pass, breakfast vouchers and the remaining amount is made up of monthly payments into their bank account.
You can view our bursary policy online.
Applying for bursary is simple. You need to complete our online application form and email us with your evidence that is outlined at the beginning of the form.
How do I find out more about the Bursary?
For more information and advice, please speak to Student Services. You can call into their office at North Street or phone 0113 222 6002, or alternatively, email