Youth social action refers to activities that young people do to make a positive difference to others or the environment.
There are lots of ways in which young people can take practical action to make a positive difference. It can take place in a range of contexts and can mean formal or informal activities. These include volunteering, fundraising, campaigning or supporting peers.
Young people don’t have to try and save the world on their own. Taking small positive actions to improve your home, school or local community can all make a big difference.
When young people take part in high quality social action, everyone benefits:
Construction work can be added to students' work experience hours. Any volunteering and YSA is beneficial for CVs and helps young peoples' CVs stand out to employers. Youth Social Action links to LCB values as it makes the work that students do enjoyable, and allows them to see the ways they can make a difference.
In addition, students will be setting an example to their local community as well as inspiring change in their surroundings. They'll also be demonstrating care and respect to members of their local community.
The volunteering will take place at a range of different sites, including houses, hospices, conservation areas, parks, hospitals etc.
Want to find out more about volunteering and social action? Send an email to your social action apprentice: