Labour Market Intelligence

The landscape that Leeds College of Building (LCB) operates within is constantly evolving. Our offer is sequenced to reflect UK Industrial Strategy, construction sector and employer requirements, student needs, demand and demographics. Some of these factors are expected to change significantly post Brexit and in response to the impact of Covid-19 on learning delivery.

Curriculum content is fundamental to the successful outcomes for students, apprentices and employers and should reflect the changing needs of the construction sector in its widest sense. Students and apprentices from LCB progress into a variety of roles within the sector, and their training should equip them with the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to develop their careers and set them on a path of lifelong learning whereby they continue to engage and access additional training to support their progression.

The curriculum offer at the College covers 3 areas, Construction Crafts, Sustainable Building Services and Technical Skills. A report has been created covering each of these areas, which evaluate the operating context and identify the key challenges and opportunities for LCB. You can view the reports below:

View: Construction Crafts LMI Report

View: Sustainable Building Services LMI Report

View: Technical Skills LMI Report

The Partner Report

The construction sector faces a major skills shortage over the next five to ten years. This is compounded by a lack of diversity amongst the construction workforce and an ageing demographic. Leeds College of Building commissioned research on diversity in construction, to identify what will help to attract a more diverse workforce. Leeds College of Building, as the leading provider of construction skills, will be working on three main strands of activity following this research. These are school liaison, culture and belonging, and employer engagement. The research has developed recommendations for employers, in The Partner Report, to help them to attract, recruit and retain a diverse workforce.

View: The Partner Report